Connect Wallet

JUN Meta supports Kaikas wallet, D'CENT wallet, Klip, and Metamask Wallet.

Kaikas Wallet

1. Install Kaikas wallet

2. Go to JUN META's official website and click the wallet icon on the right top of the page.

3. Refer to the link below to deposit Klaytn-based assets.

Klip Wallet

1.Go to JUN META's official website and click the wallet icon on the right top of the page. Click the [CONNECT TO KLIP(WALLET)].

2. Scan QR code with the camera application.

3.Click "Next" button.

4. Refer to the link below to deposit Klaytn-based assets

Metamask Wallet(PC)

1. Download and run the Metamask App.

2. Go to JUN META's official website and click the wallet icon on the right top of the page. Click the [CONNECT TO METAMASK WALLET].

3. Network will be automatically change once you click the [Connect] button.

Last updated