Liquidity Pools
Last updated
Last updated
Liquidity Pools for JUN Meta are comprised of [JUN-KUSDT], [JUNS-KLAY], [JUN-JUNC].
Allocation ratio of JUNS to provide liquidty is 4:4:2 as shown in the image above.
Please note that the allocation ratio may change as the ecosystem expands.
KLAYswap [KUSDT-JUN] : 786,800 JUNS
KLAYswap [KLAY-JUNS] : 786,800 JUNS
KLAYswap [JUN-JUNC] : 393,400 JUNS * [JUN-JUNC] LP Staking Pool will be opened on Jan 18th, 2pm(GMT+9) through KLAYswap. * After you add liquidity on [JUN-JUNC] Pool, visit our JUN GameFi website and stake your LP Token to earn JUNS as a reward. Unless, you will not get a JUNS reward.